Welcome to the HLPO Reporting Suite


The HLPO Reporting Suite is an application that allows users to produce reports reflecting the rules embodied in the Kootenay-Boundary Higher Level Plan Order (October 26th, 2002) for meeting Biodiversity and Resource Emphasis Area targets. The BC Ministry of Forest, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD) provides source planning files for the application in addition to files publicly available on DataBC; the Reporting Suite application models the source data and produces summary tables that can be viewed through a set of report templates.

Use the form to the right to log in. To request access, please contact the Selkirk Geospatial Research Centre

NOTE: This application is best viewed in Firefox or Edge. Chrome no longer supports FTP downloads, that are required for the csv, xls or zip file available in the help section.


Site Updates

18/11/2024 Custom report server down Stock reports are still available in the help section

29/08/2024 Updated to Win2023 server

30/07/2024 2024 Updates complete Biodiversity, UWR tables based 2024 VRI and depletion data. Listed as D??_2024

17/01/2024 New UWR and Moose tables added based on the 2023 VRI and depletion data. Listed as D??_2023

13/10/2023 New Biodiversity tables added based on the 2023 VRI and depletion data. Listed as D??_2023

20/01/2023 New resultants added based on the 2022 VRI and depletion data. Listed as D??_2022

22/11/2022 New Tables added for the Boundary Moose UWR report

25/10/2021 New resultants added based on the 2021 VRI and depletion data. Listed as D??_2021

15/12/2020 New resultants added based on the 2020 VRI and depletion data. Listed as D??_2020

12/06/2020 Webinar update to May2020 Webinar

13/05/2020 Clean up of data older than 2018 - 1266 tables removed

30/04/2020 New resultants added based on the 2019 VRI and depletion data. Listed as D??_2019

28/04/2020 Data sources added to header of Boundary ungulate report

20/04/2020 New style of report for Biodiversity; Removed two old style biodiversityreports

24/01/2020 LU column removed from West Kootenay Ungulate Winter Range Report

02/04/2019 New resultants added based on the 2018 VRI and depletion data. Listed as hlp_d??20190401a

10/01/2019 Draft tables for 2018 added in the help section

02/01/2019 Updated Biodiversity by age class reports, removing THLB and MMA and adding Inop

06/12/2018 New style report for West Kootenay Ungulate Winter Range

21/11/2017 THLB column removed from WK UWR report

07/11/2017 Stock reports for all forest districts Biodiversity OGMA off/On and UWR made available to all users

01/11/2017 Uwr button renamed to WK or Boundary UWR

27/06/2017 Webinar recording added to help documentation

26/06/2017 Legacy resultants removed from the site and archived

01/06/2017 2017 resultant and depletion spatial files available for download in Help/Resouces/Resultant spatial files

29/05/2017 Meeting minutes added to Help/Resouces/Meeting Minutes

29/05/2017 New resultants added based on the 2017 VRI and depletion data. Listed as hlp_d??20170526a

29/05/2017 UWR Boundary model added

03/02/2017 Updates panel added to login screen

19/01/2017 Report layout adjusted to fix truncation of headers

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